Wednesday, January 10, 2007

FLM101 - Assembling the Team

View PDF Document

This PDF document outlines members of the ideal team needed for creating a film, from pre-production to post-production. It's probably not totally exhaustive, but it should be a good start for anyone looking to get a start with making videos.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Homework - Mall Scene

The Assignment:

View the mall scene from Chippewa EFC's Christmas program "The Christmas Miracle." Same deal as last time, comment on this blog post with three things done well in the video clip, and three things that can be improved on (and tell us how to do it).

Homework - Jenny's Room

The Assignment:

Film criticism is critical (pun intended) to training your eye for how to best create your own films. Being able to analyze footage, determine what's good, what's bad and succinctly communicating your thoughts is paramount, and is not always as easy as it sounds.

Take a look at this video "Jenny's Room," taken from Chippewa EFC's Christmas program "The Christmas Miracle." Take note of things like composition, sound, lighting, pacing, the works. Then, add a comment to this blog entry with the following:

  1. Three things about the video that you think were well done.
  2. Three things that could use improvement (and ideas of how those could be improved).

Please keep all comments respectful, thoughtful and constructive. Think before you post.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Mac 101 - Intro to the Apple iMac

When it comes to creating digital media, computing power and reliability are paramount. And what company offers unmatched power, reliability and devilishly good looks in their computers?

Only Apple. That's why, in an office sea of Dell workstations, the Chippewa EFC Media teams use an Apple iMac.

Unfortunately, you may have never had the pleasure of getting to use an Apple computer and its Mac OSX operating system (no Windows here, praise the Lord). So here's the tutorial for you, Mac101 - Intro to the Apple iMac.

So kick back for half and hour, watch the video and you'll be rearing to try the iMac out for yourself in no time.